#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" This script will install Poetry and its dependencies in an isolated fashion. It will perform the following steps: * Create a new virtual environment using the built-in venv module, or the virtualenv zipapp if venv is unavailable. This will be created at a platform-specific path (or `$POETRY_HOME` if set): - `~/Library/Application Support/pypoetry` on macOS - `$XDG_DATA_HOME/pypoetry` on Linux/Unix (`XDG_DATA_HOME` is `~/.local/share` by default) - `%APPDATA%\pypoetry` on Windows * Update pip inside the virtual environment to avoid bugs in older versions. * Install the latest (or a given) version of Poetry inside this virtual environment using pip. * Install a `poetry` script into a platform-specific path (or `$POETRY_HOME/bin` if `$POETRY_HOME` is set): - `~/.local/bin` on Unix - `%APPDATA%\Python\Scripts` on Windows * Attempt to inform the user if they need to add this bin directory to their `$PATH`, as well as how to do so. * Upon failure, write an error log to `poetry-installer-error-.log and restore any previous environment. This script performs minimal magic, and should be relatively stable. However, it is optimized for interactive developer use and trivial pipelines. If you are considering using this script in production, you should consider manually-managed installs, or use of pipx as alternatives to executing arbitrary, unversioned code from the internet. If you prefer this script to alternatives, consider maintaining a local copy as part of your infrastructure. For full documentation, visit https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation. """ import argparse import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import sysconfig import tempfile from contextlib import closing from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import cmp_to_key from io import UnsupportedOperation from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from urllib.request import Request from urllib.request import urlopen SHELL = os.getenv("SHELL", "") WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith("win") or (sys.platform == "cli" and os.name == "nt") MINGW = sysconfig.get_platform().startswith("mingw") MACOS = sys.platform == "darwin" FOREGROUND_COLORS = { "black": 30, "red": 31, "green": 32, "yellow": 33, "blue": 34, "magenta": 35, "cyan": 36, "white": 37, } BACKGROUND_COLORS = { "black": 40, "red": 41, "green": 42, "yellow": 43, "blue": 44, "magenta": 45, "cyan": 46, "white": 47, } OPTIONS = {"bold": 1, "underscore": 4, "blink": 5, "reverse": 7, "conceal": 8} def style(fg, bg, options): codes = [] if fg: codes.append(FOREGROUND_COLORS[fg]) if bg: codes.append(BACKGROUND_COLORS[bg]) if options: if not isinstance(options, (list, tuple)): options = [options] for option in options: codes.append(OPTIONS[option]) return f"\033[{';'.join(map(str, codes))}m" STYLES = { "info": style("cyan", None, None), "comment": style("yellow", None, None), "success": style("green", None, None), "error": style("red", None, None), "warning": style("yellow", None, None), "b": style(None, None, ("bold",)), } def is_decorated(): if WINDOWS: return ( os.getenv("ANSICON") is not None or os.getenv("ConEmuANSI") == "ON" or os.getenv("Term") == "xterm" ) if not hasattr(sys.stdout, "fileno"): return False try: return os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) except UnsupportedOperation: return False def is_interactive(): if not hasattr(sys.stdin, "fileno"): return False try: return os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()) except UnsupportedOperation: return False def colorize(style, text): if not is_decorated(): return text return f"{STYLES[style]}{text}\033[0m" def string_to_bool(value): value = value.lower() return value in {"true", "1", "y", "yes"} def data_dir() -> Path: if os.getenv("POETRY_HOME"): return Path(os.getenv("POETRY_HOME")).expanduser() if WINDOWS: base_dir = Path(_get_win_folder("CSIDL_APPDATA")) elif MACOS: base_dir = Path("~/Library/Application Support").expanduser() else: base_dir = Path(os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share")).expanduser() base_dir = base_dir.resolve() return base_dir / "pypoetry" def bin_dir() -> Path: if os.getenv("POETRY_HOME"): return Path(os.getenv("POETRY_HOME")).expanduser() / "bin" if WINDOWS and not MINGW: return Path(_get_win_folder("CSIDL_APPDATA")) / "Python/Scripts" else: return Path("~/.local/bin").expanduser() def _get_win_folder_from_registry(csidl_name): import winreg as _winreg shell_folder_name = { "CSIDL_APPDATA": "AppData", "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA": "Common AppData", "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA": "Local AppData", }[csidl_name] key = _winreg.OpenKey( _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders", ) path, _ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, shell_folder_name) return path def _get_win_folder_with_ctypes(csidl_name): import ctypes csidl_const = { "CSIDL_APPDATA": 26, "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA": 35, "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA": 28, }[csidl_name] buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, csidl_const, None, 0, buf) # Downgrade to short path name if have highbit chars. See # . has_high_char = False for c in buf: if ord(c) > 255: has_high_char = True break if has_high_char: buf2 = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) if ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW(buf.value, buf2, 1024): buf = buf2 return buf.value if WINDOWS: try: from ctypes import windll # noqa: F401 _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_ctypes except ImportError: _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_from_registry PRE_MESSAGE = """# Welcome to {poetry}! This will download and install the latest version of {poetry}, a dependency and package manager for Python. It will add the `poetry` command to {poetry}'s bin directory, located at: {poetry_home_bin} You can uninstall at any time by executing this script with the --uninstall option, and these changes will be reverted. """ POST_MESSAGE = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! You can test that everything is set up by executing: `{test_command}` """ POST_MESSAGE_NOT_IN_PATH = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! To get started you need {poetry}'s bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) in your `PATH` environment variable. {configure_message} Alternatively, you can call {poetry} explicitly with `{poetry_executable}`. You can test that everything is set up by executing: `{test_command}` """ POST_MESSAGE_CONFIGURE_UNIX = """ Add `export PATH="{poetry_home_bin}:$PATH"` to your shell configuration file. """ POST_MESSAGE_CONFIGURE_FISH = """ You can execute `set -U fish_user_paths {poetry_home_bin} $fish_user_paths` """ POST_MESSAGE_CONFIGURE_WINDOWS = """""" class PoetryInstallationError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, return_code: int = 0, log: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self.return_code = return_code self.log = log class VirtualEnvironment: def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: self._path = path self._bin_path = self._path.joinpath( "Scripts" if WINDOWS and not MINGW else "bin" ) # str is required for compatibility with subprocess run on CPython <= 3.7 on Windows self._python = str( self._path.joinpath(self._bin_path, "python.exe" if WINDOWS else "python") ) @property def path(self): return self._path @property def bin_path(self): return self._bin_path @classmethod def make(cls, target: Path) -> "VirtualEnvironment": try: # on some linux distributions (eg: debian), the distribution provided python # installation might not include ensurepip, causing the venv module to # fail when attempting to create a virtual environment # we import ensurepip but do not use it explicitly here import ensurepip # noqa: F401 import venv builder = venv.EnvBuilder(clear=True, with_pip=True, symlinks=False) context = builder.ensure_directories(target) if ( WINDOWS and hasattr(context, "env_exec_cmd") and context.env_exe != context.env_exec_cmd ): target = target.resolve() builder.create(target) except ImportError: # fallback to using virtualenv package if venv is not available, eg: ubuntu python_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" virtualenv_bootstrap_url = ( f"https://bootstrap.pypa.io/virtualenv/{python_version}/virtualenv.pyz" ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="poetry-installer") as temp_dir: virtualenv_pyz = Path(temp_dir) / "virtualenv.pyz" request = Request( virtualenv_bootstrap_url, headers={"User-Agent": "Python Poetry"} ) virtualenv_pyz.write_bytes(urlopen(request).read()) cls.run( sys.executable, virtualenv_pyz, "--clear", "--always-copy", target ) # We add a special file so that Poetry can detect # its own virtual environment target.joinpath("poetry_env").touch() env = cls(target) # we do this here to ensure that outdated system default pip does not trigger older bugs env.pip("install", "--disable-pip-version-check", "--upgrade", "pip") return env @staticmethod def run(*args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: completed_process = subprocess.run( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kwargs, ) if completed_process.returncode != 0: raise PoetryInstallationError( return_code=completed_process.returncode, log=completed_process.stdout.decode(), ) return completed_process def python(self, *args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: return self.run(self._python, *args, **kwargs) def pip(self, *args, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: return self.python("-m", "pip", *args, **kwargs) class Cursor: def __init__(self) -> None: self._output = sys.stdout def move_up(self, lines: int = 1) -> "Cursor": self._output.write(f"\x1b[{lines}A") return self def move_down(self, lines: int = 1) -> "Cursor": self._output.write(f"\x1b[{lines}B") return self def move_right(self, columns: int = 1) -> "Cursor": self._output.write(f"\x1b[{columns}C") return self def move_left(self, columns: int = 1) -> "Cursor": self._output.write(f"\x1b[{columns}D") return self def move_to_column(self, column: int) -> "Cursor": self._output.write(f"\x1b[{column}G") return self def move_to_position(self, column: int, row: int) -> "Cursor": self._output.write(f"\x1b[{row + 1};{column}H") return self def save_position(self) -> "Cursor": self._output.write("\x1b7") return self def restore_position(self) -> "Cursor": self._output.write("\x1b8") return self def hide(self) -> "Cursor": self._output.write("\x1b[?25l") return self def show(self) -> "Cursor": self._output.write("\x1b[?25h\x1b[?0c") return self def clear_line(self) -> "Cursor": """ Clears all the output from the current line. """ self._output.write("\x1b[2K") return self def clear_line_after(self) -> "Cursor": """ Clears all the output from the current line after the current position. """ self._output.write("\x1b[K") return self def clear_output(self) -> "Cursor": """ Clears all the output from the cursors' current position to the end of the screen. """ self._output.write("\x1b[0J") return self def clear_screen(self) -> "Cursor": """ Clears the entire screen. """ self._output.write("\x1b[2J") return self class Installer: METADATA_URL = "https://pypi.org/pypi/poetry/json" VERSION_REGEX = re.compile( r"v?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?" "(" "[._-]?" r"(?:(stable|beta|b|rc|RC|alpha|a|patch|pl|p)((?:[.-]?\d+)*)?)?" "([.-]?dev)?" ")?" r"(?:\+[^\s]+)?" ) def __init__( self, version: Optional[str] = None, preview: bool = False, force: bool = False, accept_all: bool = False, git: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self._version = version self._preview = preview self._force = force self._accept_all = accept_all self._git = git self._path = path self._cursor = Cursor() self._bin_dir = None self._data_dir = None @property def bin_dir(self) -> Path: if not self._bin_dir: self._bin_dir = bin_dir() return self._bin_dir @property def data_dir(self) -> Path: if not self._data_dir: self._data_dir = data_dir() return self._data_dir @property def version_file(self) -> Path: return self.data_dir.joinpath("VERSION") def allows_prereleases(self) -> bool: return self._preview def run(self) -> int: if self._git: version = self._git elif self._path: version = self._path else: try: version, current_version = self.get_version() except ValueError: return 1 if version is None: return 0 self.display_pre_message() self.ensure_directories() def _is_self_upgrade_supported(x): mx = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(x) if mx is None: # the version is not semver, perhaps scm or file, we assume upgrade is supported return True vx = tuple(int(p) for p in mx.groups()[:3]) + (mx.group(5),) return vx >= (1, 1, 7) if version and not _is_self_upgrade_supported(version): self._write( colorize( "warning", f"You are installing {version}. When using the current installer," " this version does not support updating using the 'self update'" " command. Please use 1.1.7 or later.", ) ) if not self._accept_all: continue_install = input("Do you want to continue? ([y]/n) ") or "y" if continue_install.lower() in {"n", "no"}: return 0 try: self.install(version) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise PoetryInstallationError( return_code=e.returncode, log=e.output.decode() ) self._write("") self.display_post_message(version) return 0 def install(self, version): """ Installs Poetry in $POETRY_HOME. """ self._write( f"Installing {colorize('info', 'Poetry')} ({colorize('info', version)})" ) with self.make_env(version) as env: self.install_poetry(version, env) self.make_bin(version, env) self.version_file.write_text(version) self._install_comment(version, "Done") return 0 def uninstall(self) -> int: if not self.data_dir.exists(): self._write(f"{colorize('info', 'Poetry')} is not currently installed.") return 1 version = None if self.version_file.exists(): version = self.version_file.read_text().strip() if version: self._write( f"Removing {colorize('info', 'Poetry')} ({colorize('b', version)})" ) else: self._write(f"Removing {colorize('info', 'Poetry')}") shutil.rmtree(str(self.data_dir)) for script in ["poetry", "poetry.bat", "poetry.exe"]: if self.bin_dir.joinpath(script).exists(): self.bin_dir.joinpath(script).unlink() return 0 def _install_comment(self, version: str, message: str): self._overwrite( f"Installing {colorize('info', 'Poetry')} ({colorize('b', version)}):" f" {colorize('comment', message)}" ) @contextmanager def make_env(self, version: str) -> VirtualEnvironment: env_path = self.data_dir.joinpath("venv") env_path_saved = env_path.with_suffix(".save") if env_path.exists(): self._install_comment(version, "Saving existing environment") if env_path_saved.exists(): shutil.rmtree(env_path_saved) shutil.move(env_path, env_path_saved) try: self._install_comment(version, "Creating environment") yield VirtualEnvironment.make(env_path) except Exception as e: if env_path.exists(): self._install_comment( version, "An error occurred. Removing partial environment." ) shutil.rmtree(env_path) if env_path_saved.exists(): self._install_comment( version, "Restoring previously saved environment." ) shutil.move(env_path_saved, env_path) raise e else: if env_path_saved.exists(): shutil.rmtree(env_path_saved, ignore_errors=True) def make_bin(self, version: str, env: VirtualEnvironment) -> None: self._install_comment(version, "Creating script") self.bin_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) script = "poetry.exe" if WINDOWS else "poetry" target_script = env.bin_path.joinpath(script) if self.bin_dir.joinpath(script).exists(): self.bin_dir.joinpath(script).unlink() try: self.bin_dir.joinpath(script).symlink_to(target_script) except OSError: # This can happen if the user # does not have the correct permission on Windows shutil.copy(target_script, self.bin_dir.joinpath(script)) def install_poetry(self, version: str, env: VirtualEnvironment) -> None: self._install_comment(version, "Installing Poetry") if self._git: specification = "git+" + version elif self._path: specification = version else: specification = f"poetry=={version}" env.pip("install", specification) def display_pre_message(self) -> None: kwargs = { "poetry": colorize("info", "Poetry"), "poetry_home_bin": colorize("comment", self.bin_dir), } self._write(PRE_MESSAGE.format(**kwargs)) def display_post_message(self, version: str) -> None: if WINDOWS: return self.display_post_message_windows(version) if SHELL == "fish": return self.display_post_message_fish(version) return self.display_post_message_unix(version) def display_post_message_windows(self, version: str) -> None: path = self.get_windows_path_var() message = POST_MESSAGE_NOT_IN_PATH if path and str(self.bin_dir) in path: message = POST_MESSAGE self._write( message.format( poetry=colorize("info", "Poetry"), version=colorize("b", version), poetry_home_bin=colorize("comment", self.bin_dir), poetry_executable=colorize("b", self.bin_dir.joinpath("poetry")), configure_message=POST_MESSAGE_CONFIGURE_WINDOWS.format( poetry_home_bin=colorize("comment", self.bin_dir) ), test_command=colorize("b", "poetry --version"), ) ) def get_windows_path_var(self) -> Optional[str]: import winreg with winreg.ConnectRegistry( None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER ) as root, winreg.OpenKey(root, "Environment", 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as key: path, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "PATH") return path def display_post_message_fish(self, version: str) -> None: fish_user_paths = subprocess.check_output( ["fish", "-c", "echo $fish_user_paths"] ).decode("utf-8") message = POST_MESSAGE_NOT_IN_PATH if fish_user_paths and str(self.bin_dir) in fish_user_paths: message = POST_MESSAGE self._write( message.format( poetry=colorize("info", "Poetry"), version=colorize("b", version), poetry_home_bin=colorize("comment", self.bin_dir), poetry_executable=colorize("b", self.bin_dir.joinpath("poetry")), configure_message=POST_MESSAGE_CONFIGURE_FISH.format( poetry_home_bin=colorize("comment", self.bin_dir) ), test_command=colorize("b", "poetry --version"), ) ) def display_post_message_unix(self, version: str) -> None: paths = os.getenv("PATH", "").split(":") message = POST_MESSAGE_NOT_IN_PATH if paths and str(self.bin_dir) in paths: message = POST_MESSAGE self._write( message.format( poetry=colorize("info", "Poetry"), version=colorize("b", version), poetry_home_bin=colorize("comment", self.bin_dir), poetry_executable=colorize("b", self.bin_dir.joinpath("poetry")), configure_message=POST_MESSAGE_CONFIGURE_UNIX.format( poetry_home_bin=colorize("comment", self.bin_dir) ), test_command=colorize("b", "poetry --version"), ) ) def ensure_directories(self) -> None: self.data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.bin_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def get_version(self): current_version = None if self.version_file.exists(): current_version = self.version_file.read_text().strip() self._write(colorize("info", "Retrieving Poetry metadata")) metadata = json.loads(self._get(self.METADATA_URL).decode()) def _compare_versions(x, y): mx = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(x) my = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(y) vx = tuple(int(p) for p in mx.groups()[:3]) + (mx.group(5),) vy = tuple(int(p) for p in my.groups()[:3]) + (my.group(5),) if vx < vy: return -1 elif vx > vy: return 1 return 0 self._write("") releases = sorted( metadata["releases"].keys(), key=cmp_to_key(_compare_versions) ) if self._version and self._version not in releases: msg = f"Version {self._version} does not exist." self._write(colorize("error", msg)) raise ValueError(msg) version = self._version if not version: for release in reversed(releases): m = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(release) if m.group(5) and not self.allows_prereleases(): continue version = release break if current_version == version and not self._force: self._write( f'The latest version ({colorize("b", version)}) is already installed.' ) return None, current_version return version, current_version def _write(self, line) -> None: sys.stdout.write(line + "\n") def _overwrite(self, line) -> None: if not is_decorated(): return self._write(line) self._cursor.move_up() self._cursor.clear_line() self._write(line) def _get(self, url): request = Request(url, headers={"User-Agent": "Python Poetry"}) with closing(urlopen(request)) as r: return r.read() def main(): if sys.version_info < (3, 6): sys.stdout.write( colorize("error", "Poetry installer requires Python 3.6 or newer to run!") ) # return error code return 1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Installs the latest (or given) version of poetry" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--preview", help="install preview version", dest="preview", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument("--version", help="install named version", dest="version") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", help="install on top of existing version", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "-y", "--yes", help="accept all prompts", dest="accept_all", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--uninstall", help="uninstall poetry", dest="uninstall", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--path", dest="path", action="store", help=( "Install from a given path (file or directory) instead of " "fetching the latest version of Poetry available online." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--git", dest="git", action="store", help=( "Install from a git repository instead of fetching the latest version " "of Poetry available online." ), ) args = parser.parse_args() installer = Installer( version=args.version or os.getenv("POETRY_VERSION"), preview=args.preview or string_to_bool(os.getenv("POETRY_PREVIEW", "0")), force=args.force, accept_all=args.accept_all or string_to_bool(os.getenv("POETRY_ACCEPT", "0")) or not is_interactive(), path=args.path, git=args.git, ) if args.uninstall or string_to_bool(os.getenv("POETRY_UNINSTALL", "0")): return installer.uninstall() try: return installer.run() except PoetryInstallationError as e: installer._write(colorize("error", "Poetry installation failed.")) if e.log is not None: import traceback _, path = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=".log", prefix="poetry-installer-error-", dir=str(Path.cwd()), text=True, ) installer._write(colorize("error", f"See {path} for error logs.")) text = f"{e.log}\nTraceback:\n\n{''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))}" Path(path).write_text(text) return e.return_code if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())